Nowadays, signal processing and especially bio-signal processing is among top research fields of study with significant growing applications, tools and services in this domain. It is a multidisciplinary field in such a way that researchers and practitioners from different areas of expertise, like engineering, medical and computer science, intensively collaborate on the models and techniques inspired by the biological system of the human. The aim of this cooperation is to improve the quality of living and enhance the individual’s health condition. Thus, bio-signals including Human brain signals, are classified as the unique and spontaneous characteristics of any person.
Zarela is a free, border-less and open-source platform built upon the blockchain technology for collection and delivering human bio-signals to the researchers and entities demanding for bio-signal data. The motivation is to enable any anonymous participant to share and trade their bio-signal data through the Zarela’s platform and deliver accurate data to the researchers and labs in a trusted and secure fashion regarding the data ownership for research institutions and privacy. There are two major features associated with the Zarela project that are summarized below and explained throughout this document.
First, an innovative approach has been chosen to introduce Proof-of-Contribution as a turnkey solution for the entire ecosystem to operate. Proof-of-Contribution has been implemented by Zarela’s smart contract and enables the volunteer (they are named as Angel throughout this document) participant and bio-signal requester (Mage) to exchange Zarela tokens anonymously with bio-signals data over the blockchain network that relies on the decentralized property of the blockchain technology.
The second feature is Zarela’s Bioverse, which is a visualized reflection of the Proof-of-Contribution. We have implemented a distinct virtual world (Bioverse) based on the contribute-to-earn concept, unlike other Bioverse that are play-to-earn. Zarela’s Bioverse encircles all the neuroscience and other technical claims made throughout this document in a visualized environment named Bioverse.
Moving on
All good? Let's explore some of the main Zarela concepts, starting with Zarela Utopia.
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